Watch our videos for free and learn more about key financial topics
We believe that we should all work hard to improve our financial knowledge.
So, we’ve partnered with Money Alive to bring you free access to their interactive, impartial, educational videos covering key financial topics.
Each topic is explained by a ‘box-set’ of videos comprising several short episodes. So, grab a cuppa, scroll down, select the ‘box-set’ you want to watch and start learning!
Millions of people don’t have a will. If you’re one of them it means the State, not you, will decide what happens to your assets and dependent children when you die. This box-set explains the importance of making and reviewing a will as well as some of the key considerations when drawing one up.
Long term care
Many of us will need care in old age. However, the system is extremely complex and hard to navigate. This box-set provides you with invaluable information to help you understand more about the processes, funding and the options available to you.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Once you’ve lost mental capacity it’s too late to set up a Power Of Attorney. Setting up a Power of Attorney now means your loved ones will be able to make key decisions on your behalf if you’re not able to do so in the future.